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Public Consultation On Wireless Charging

New Zealand
New Zealand
, 2018-09-06

The Radio Spectrum Management of the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has emitted a discussion paper entitled "Adding new usages to General User Radio Licence for Short Range Devices below 30 MHz".

This technical consultation aims at clarifying the existing technical conditions in the general user radio licence (GURL SRD) for a specific field, wireless charging. This technology includes wireless power transfer (WPT) system and inductive loop system, operating in sub 30 MHz frequency range.

The different frequency ranges of WPT already fall implicitly within the current provisions of the GURL SRD. But the inductive loop systems operate within a wide range (0.1485-30 MHz) across many provisions within the GURL SRD.

To clarify the proper use of radio spectrum wireless charging, there is a need to add a new provision to the GURL SRD explicitly covering both entire frequency ranges.

Comments are expected until 2018-09-14 at 5pm (local time),

Source: https://www.rsm.govt.nz/