- 認証取得の必要性
- 必須
- 認証書の有効期間
- ∞ ヶ月Validity is unlimited
- 無線型式認証取得の平均リードタイム
- 10 週間
- プレビュー
- 認証書の例 (pdf, 412.61K)
チリ の法規情報
- 2022-09-21SUBTEL Updates Res. 1985, Publishes Res. 2844Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones (SUBTEL) of Chile has newly issued a Resolución 2844 Exenta which revises Resolución 1985 Exenta (2017), the Technical Regulation for Short Range Devices. In order to adjust certification requirements to booming market reality and harmonize the frequency ranges of the WiFi 6 technology in the existing regulations for efficient usage of the available RF spectrum, the authority modifies Article 1 (items h, i and j.1) of the Resolución 1985 Exenta as follows: »read more
- 2021-08-26SUBTEL publishes extended regulationIn order to bring their regulation into line with international standards, the Chilean authority Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones (SUBTEL) developed Resolución 1321 Exenta, which was published on July 27, 2021 and updates Resolución 1985 Exenta, the fixed... »read more
- 2020-05-14SUBTEL withdraw Type Approval Requirements for SRDThe Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones who initially announced the 2020 update of type approval requirements for SRD, have now revoked them until further notice due to Corona pandemic. Important to know, that module test reports can still be accepted... »read more
に関する一般情報 チリ
弊社の型式認証エキスパートと チリ の管轄当局
レーダー 24 GHz, 64 GHz, 77 GHz, 79 GHz, UWB
無線キー 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz
キーレスゴー 125 kHz, 13,56 MHz
タイヤ空気圧センサー 125 kHz, 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz
エンターテイメント 2,4 GHz
レーダー 64 GHz, タンクベル, ポジションレーダー
ワイヤレスMバス 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz
ワイヤレスCANバス 2.4 GHz
RFID + NFC 125 kHz, 13.56 MHz, 868 MHz
UWB機器 24 GHz, 60 GHz, 79 GHz
WirelessHD 60 GHz
WLAN 2.4GHz, 3 GHz, 5 GHz, 10 GHz
Bluetooth 2.4 GHz
Zigbee 868 MHz, 2.4 GHz