ナミビア の法規情報
- 2019-09-19Addition to Namibia new as of 2019-09-17CRAN - Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia has expanded the list for SRD devices which are subject to mandatory homologation. Please contact IB-Lenhardt in order to be on the safe side. We will inform you, if your device has to be type approved in Namibia based... »read more
- 2019-09-17New TA RegulationCRAN - Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia has published an Amendment of Regulations in Respect of Type Approval and Technical Standards for Telecommunications Equipment which became effective on 11th September 2019. Source: www.cran.na »read more
- 2018-05-17Some equipment exempted from Type ApprovalOn 2018-05-08 a notice was published by the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia -CRAN- in the Government Gazette Number 6588, establishing a list of Telecommunications equipments newly exempted from type approval. The notice reminds that "from a... »read more
に関する一般情報 ナミビア
弊社の型式認証エキスパートと ナミビア の管轄当局
レーダー 24 GHz, 64 GHz, 77 GHz, 79 GHz, UWB
無線キー 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz
キーレスゴー 125 kHz, 13,56 MHz
タイヤ空気圧センサー 125 kHz, 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz
エンターテイメント 2,4 GHz
レーダー 64 GHz, タンクベル, ポジションレーダー
ワイヤレスMバス 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz
ワイヤレスCANバス 2.4 GHz
RFID + NFC 125 kHz, 13.56 MHz, 868 MHz
UWB機器 24 GHz, 60 GHz, 79 GHz
WirelessHD 60 GHz
WLAN 2.4GHz, 3 GHz, 5 GHz, 10 GHz
Bluetooth 2.4 GHz
Zigbee 868 MHz, 2.4 GHz