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OFCA: WLAN Devices can partially use 6 GHz Spectrum

Hong Kong
Hong Kong
, 17.05.2022
Increased power limits for indoor use, exemption for client devices, and conformity assessment for Access Points.

The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) in Hong Kong has succesfully adopted new regulations in order to allow WLAN devices to utilize the 6 GHz spectrum partly. In late April, the OFCA published a new Class Licence and a new Technical Standard HKCA 1081 which enable indoor (up to 24 dBm EIRP) and outdoor (up to 14 dBm EIRP) operation in the band of 5.925 - 6.425 MHz.

All apparatus are supposed to be compliant with the ETSI EN 303 687 harmonised standard. However, indoor devices are allowed to diverge from the mentioned EU requirements, namely:

  • Power Output Limit has been increased to 24 dBm EIRP;

  • PSD has been increased from 10 dBm/MHz to 11 dBm/MHz.

Client devices are exempted from mandatory type approval processes, while 6 GHz capable Access Points are expected to be subject to obligatory conformity assessment and labelling requirements.