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Update Exenta 1985 - bands open

, 04.06.2019

Subtel in Chile has released an update to Exenta 1985 in the Diario Oficial de la Republica de Chile.  The main changes are summarized below:

  1. The EIRP limit for the 5150-5250 MHz bands is now 250 mW EIRP for general use
  2. Test reports leveraged for the Subtel type approval process must have a minimum of two international laboratory accreditation marks present on at least one page of every test report in order to meet Subtel’s quality requirement. 
  3. The following bands have been opened for use by IoT applications:
  • 433,05-434-79 MHz -            10 mW
  • 868,175 - 868,375 MHz -      25 mW
  • 915 - 928 MHz -                    500 mW
  • 2.400 - 2.483,5 MHz -           1W
  • 5.250 - 5.350 MHz -              1W
  • 5.470 - 5.725 MHz -              1W
  • 5.725 - 5.850 MHz -              1W

Source: https://www.diariooficial.interior.gob.cl/publicaciones/2019/05/07/42347/01/1586102.pdf