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Consultation on TRA Regulations for UWB and SRD

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) published a public consultation concerning the regulations for Ultra-Wide Band and Short Range Devices in accordance with the UAE Telecom Law. The consultation will be open from 13 August 2020 until 17 September 2020.
Due to recent updates from ETSI and ITU-R recommendations, there is an obligation to amend relevant parts of these regulations to enhance the certainty on the frequencies and associated attributes under which they can operate.
Contributors who wish to respond to this consultation can check the link.

Given responses should clearly be assignable to the specific question asked in the consultation. General comments must clearly be indicated as such.
Furthermore, respondents are advised that full responses and citations (as a whole or in part) may be published. Please make sure to clearly mark any information which is considered to be of a confidential nature.