Extension of frequency allocation for mobile communication
ANATEL recently launched a public consultation regarding the opening of the 3.3 to 3.7 GHz band for Personal Mobile Service in Brazil. Manufacturers and importers as well as any other stakeholder interested in this newly available frequency band are invited to send comments to the authority before 2020-08-31.
The purpose of the act is the extension of the frequency allocation in this area from 3.6 GHz now to 3.7 GHz.
The complete list of documents and submitted comments may be found at https://sei.anatel.gov.br/sei/modulos/pesquisa/md_pesq_processo_exibir.php?exIsiWoPbTSMJNP15y_TiUpWIfXjgqaCc-xbh3o0V5ttS0uQqIkRDNDdsrlbDPN0z9DjOh_HT6NYS_BYkN5mlMU-GYs_9lPkSQMneGTcqs7X9BODs77W-nOHRfUzTemf
Comments should be sent to the Brazilian TBT Enquiry Point (barreirastecnicas@inmetro.gov.br) and copied to leonardoc@anatel.gov.br and davison@anatel.gov.br.
Source: http://www.in.gov.br/en/web/dou/-/consulta-publica-n-50-de-3-de-junho-de-2020-261923839
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