IBL-Lab GmbH accreditation: Electrical Safety
We are pleased to announce that IBL-Lab GmbH, a subsidiary of IB-Lenhardt AG, after successful DAkkS accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, can demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the EU and beyond for approvals in the USA, Canada and Japan, in all relevant areas:
Electrical Safety
Radio Equipment Directive RED 2014/53/EU for EU countries.
EMC Directive (EMCD 2014/30/EU) for EU countries
FCC tests for the USA
ISED tests for Canada (recognition as CAB Canada by DAkkS coming soon)
Examinations for Japan according to Radio Law and Telecommunication Business Law
After the foundation of IBL-Lab GmbH in 2018, the first step was the DAkkS accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 in the field of safety in 2019, the starting signal for our own safety tests for our customers.
Thanks to the new safety standards IEC 62368-1 and EN 62368-1, which move away from technology-focused catalogues to a hazard-based approach, it is now easier to equally assess varying products.
For instance, hazards are categorized by type and “size“ of the according energy source:
In the next part of this series, we will take a closer look at our accredited radio laboratory. Stay tuned!