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IBL-Lab GmbH accreditation: Electrical Safety


We are pleased to announce that IBL-Lab GmbH, a subsidiary of IB-Lenhardt AG, after successful DAkkS accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, can demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the EU and beyond for approvals in the USA, Canada and Japan, in all relevant areas:

  • Electrical Safety

  • Radio Equipment Directive RED 2014/53/EU for EU countries.

  • EMC Directive (EMCD 2014/30/EU) for EU countries

  • FCC tests for the USA

  • ISED tests for Canada (recognition as CAB Canada by DAkkS coming soon)

  • Examinations for Japan according to Radio Law and Telecommunication Business Law

After the foundation of IBL-Lab GmbH in 2018, the first step was the DAkkS accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 in the field of safety in 2019, the starting signal for our own safety tests for our customers.

Thanks to the new safety standards IEC 62368-1 and EN 62368-1, which move away from technology-focused catalogues to a hazard-based approach, it is now easier to equally assess varying products.

For instance, hazards are categorized by type and “size“ of the according energy source:

  • electrical

  • mechanical

  • power

  • radiation

  • thermal

In the next part of this series, we will take a closer look at our accredited radio laboratory. Stay tuned!
