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NYCE: updated PEC Scheme

, 16.06.2022
Normalización y Certificación NYCE (Standardization and Electronic Certification), one of the major National Standardisation Organisations in Mexico, has recently realesed a webinar (Spanish) on YouTube in order to clarify the guidelines of the new PEC schemes which affects NOW certification for telecommunication and broadcasting devices and comes into force on June, 27th 2022.

Starting from late June, the following changes on certification will be applicable to the products which require in-country testing:

  • A second sample will be optional for every approval scheme

  • Conformity certificates will list importers, subsidiaries (relevant for schemes II, III and IV)

  • Test reports will be valid for 120 working days

  • The certificate may now include importers previously not list in certification schemes II, III and IV

NYCE has already stopped accepting applications under the outdated PEC scheme and only takes into account applications under the new PEC scheme.
