ECC Public Consultations – Open Draft Reports and Decisions
Current ECC Public Consultations
The following draft reports and decisions are open for consultation:
Draft Addendum to ECC Report 344
Interference mitigation scenarios for outdoor Security Scanners Type #2. Open until 21 March 2025.Draft Addendum to ECC Report 333
Higher power (above 30 watts) non-beam Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) applications (excluding WPT-EV) in frequency bands below 30 MHz. Open until 21 March 2025.Draft ECC Report 365
Statistical analysis of Fixed Links characteristics in CEPT. Open until 21 March 2025.Draft ECC Decision (25)02
Low-power devices communicating with satellites in the 862-870 MHz frequency range. Open until 28 February 2025.Draft ECC Decision (25)01
Designation of frequency bands for Galileo (GNSS) and technical measures for using 1258-1300 MHz by amateur and amateur-satellite services while ensuring the protection of radionavigation-satellite services (space-to-Earth). Open until 28 February 2025.Draft Revision of T/R 25-08
Planning criteria and cross-border frequency coordination for land mobile systems in the 29.7-470 MHz range. Open until 28 February 2025.Draft Revision of ECC Recommendation (08)01
Use of the 5855-5875 MHz band for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Open until 28 February 2025.
Access the consultations here: CEPT ECC Consultations.
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