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Safety Standard for Products Containing Button/Coin Batteries

, 09.06.2022
On June, 22nd 2022, the transition period of the Australian act Consumer Goods (Products Containing Button/Coin Batteries) Safety Standard 2020 will have expired.

In order to support suppliers, there is a publicly available fact sheet that summarises four current standards. Additionally, there is a guide which provides useful information on how a supplier may address new requirements.

IBL-Lab GmbH performs Safety tests in compliance with the standards mentioned in the guide, namely: IEC 62368-1: 2018 or AS/NZS 62368.1:2018. The laboratory tests can be conducted fully as well as partially (regarding batteries only).

Source: Consumer Goods (Products Containing Button/Coin Batteries) Safety Standard 2020
More about: Australian ACMA