ECC Opens Public Consultation on Spectrum & Interference

, 2024-10-17
The ECC (Electronic Communications Committee) is currently holding public consultation on 3 items.
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The three consultation items are:

  1. Draft Revision of ECC Recommendation (01)04
    Radio frequency channel arrangements for point-to-point (P-P) fixed wireless systems in the frequency band of 40.5-43.5 GHz.

  2. Draft ECC Report 364
    Sharing and compatibility studies related to Wireless Access Systems, including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN), in the frequency band of 6425-7125 MHz.

  3. Draft ECC Report 363
    Aggregated interference from satellite systems into the radio astronomy service.

Feedback can be submitted to until November 22, 2024.

For further details, please visit the ECC consultation page: ECC Consultation Page.