Requirement to support 4G technology

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
, 2019-10-08

Please be informed that CITC has announced an additional requirement as below with respect to 4G technology support in tracking devices and machine-to-machine communication (M2M)

Further to what was clarified previously, where we have emphasized that all importers of CITC devices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must comply with the technical specification (RI056) issued by the Committee and which included that all terminal devices must - at minimum - support 4G and cellular transmission service in addition to applying the electronic label.

Based on that, the Committee would like to emphasize that these kind of devices must include the above-stated requirements. Otherwise such terminal devices will not be released or approved.

This requirement to support 4G technology in tracking devices and machine-to-machine communication (M2M) will come into force on 1/1/2020.

 Source: CITC email.