RSM Updates Radiocommunications Regulations for SRDs

New Zealand
New Zealand
, 2022-08-04
Radio Spectrum Management (RSM) of New Zealand has newly updated the General User Radio Licence for Short Range Devices.

According to the latest version of the paper which came into affect on August 1, 2022, there are several crucial changes:

  1. Clarification on frequency bands for the use of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) and of Transmit Power Control (TPC). DFS and TPC can be only applied to the frequency band of 5250–5350 MHz within 5150–5350 MHz range.

  2. Additional frequency range for WLAN in the 5925–6425 MHz band. Possible operating modes are as follows:

    • Indoors: 24dBm EIRP;

    • Indoors/Outdoors: 14dBm EIRP.

  3. 60 GHz devices can currently operate in the freuqency range of 57–71 GHz (increased permitted power: 25dBW EIRP). Previous requirements concerning “Indoor-Only Systems” have been also abolished.

More information is avaliable under this link.