Type Approval for Russia

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As a leading member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the Russian Federation has successfully developed and implemented its own compliance assessment system based on international standards and covering local HS code, numerous schemes of declaration and certification, possibility of local laboratory testing and labeling. There are several state authorities involved in the compliance procedure: the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Минсвязь); the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Роскомнадзор); the General Radio Frequency Center (ГРЧЦ) and the Federal Security Service (ФСБ).

Products which are imported in Russia have to meet various technical requirements of the EAEU. The most common technical standards are TR CU 020/2011 (EMV) and TR CU 018/2011 (Safety of wheeled vehicles). However, IB-Lenhardt AG can provide approvals in line with further technical standards upon request.

Depending on the schemes of conformity assessment which determine the necessity of laboratory testing, we can advance an individual way of getting an approval in the shortest possible time. We also support our customers with EAC labeling and local representative contract in accordance with the Russian law.

Apart from the EAEU requirements, certain devices are to acquire further documentation for a smooth market access, for instance, Radio Equipment Conclusion (GRFC), FSB Notification and Certificate/Declaration of the Federal Communications Agency (FCA). IBL possesses a detailed knowledge about local requirements and competently assists you with market access in Russia.


Certificate example file for Russia
Certificate example Russia
Local Representative
In-Country Testing
Validity Period of Certification
60 MonthsFor FAC Declaration validity is only 36 months
Average lead time for radio type approval
8 Weeks
Certificate example (pdf, 445.87K)


Example label for Russia

Regulatory News for Russia

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Country Information

General Information about Russia

Country calling Code
Russian Ruble
Country Code ISO 3166-2
Country Code ISO 3166-3
Alternate Country Names
Rossiya, Russian Federation, Российская Федерация, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, Russland, Russie, Rusija, Russia, Rusia, Россия, ロシア連邦, Ryssland, 러시아

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Your personal type approval specialist and authorities for Russia

Product Scope

Our offers and services may vary depending on the country. Please contact us for specific details.


Radar 24 GHz, 64 GHz, 77 GHz, 79 GHz, UWB

Radio key 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz

Keyless Go 125 kHz, 13,56 MHz

Tire pressure sensors 125 kHz, 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz

Entertainment 2,4 GHz


Radar 64 GHz, Tank Level, Position radar

Wireless-M-Bus 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz

Wireless-CAN-Bus 2.4 GHz

RFID + NFC 125 kHz, 13.56 MHz, 868 MHz

UWB Devices 24 GHz, 60 GHz, 79 GHz


WirelessHD 60 GHz

WLAN 2.4GHz, 3 GHz, 5 GHz, 10 GHz

Bluetooth 2.4 GHz

Zigbee 868 MHz, 2.4 GHz

Woman in business dress

Tailored solutions for your needs

Market Access for Russia

International type approval can be a complicated task. There are many things to consider when expanding your business. But don't worry, our experts are here to help!
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