Decree No. 353 on Regulatory Processes in 2022

, 2022-03-17

On March, 14th 2022, the Government of the Russian Federation published its Resolution No. 353 dated from March, 12th 2022 on peculiarities of regulatory frameworks (permitting regime) in 2022.

According to annex No. 18 (peculiarities of product conformity assessment, validity of conformity documents and its extension as well as product and sample import), the Government of the Russian Federation decrees that the validity of conformity certificates and declarations (further – CoC and DoC) will be extended for a period of 12 months in case the expiry date of a CoC/DoC falls between March, 14th 2022 and September, 1st 2022. Additionally, manufacturers and importers have the right to refuse to provide documents on conformity assessment in case they import either spare parts for repairs or component parts for products and machines manufactured in Russia.

Administrative authorities which are responsible for maintaining state registers of permits and compliance documents are to enter information on extension of the validity period of CoC and DoC in the state registers (see item No. 8, p. 5).