Major change of Equipment Certification at SDPPI
SDPPI just released the new regulation on telecommunication equipment certification "PM Kominfo No 7 Tahun 2018":
Before the issuing of this regulation, the flow of applications were as follows:
1) Submission of application documents and receiving testing reference letter from SDPPI
2) Pretest and official test in SDPPI Laboratory
3) Evaluation of test results and release of certificate by SDPPI
4) Certificate issuance
Below is the new workflow and its changes
1) Testing in SDPPI-accredited test Laboratory (can be either in-country SDPPI-accepted test lab or foreign SDPPI-accepted test Laboratory) with output of a test report
2) Submission of test report and application documents to SDPPI for evaluation
3) Certificate issuance
Here are the big changes regarding the applicant, who must be Indonesian registered company either:
- Brand owner that is legally incorporated in Indonesia, or
- Indonesian business entity that’s designated as an authorized representative or distributor by foreign brand owner
Previously the submission at SDPPI was done in the SDPPI online system, but since this is being changed now to Online Single Submission (OSS) system of Republic Indonesia, only domestic companies can apply for approval by logging in with the business license number (NIB) and password. SDPPI Online accounts from manufacturers outside Indonesia will be probably disabled for submission of Type Approval applications.
The new regulation also states that
- every telecommunication device that is manufactured, assembled, imported, sold or used in Indonesia must be certified
- after three years (per certification date) the Telecommunications equipment must be re-certified - if it is still being produced and/or imported to be sold and used in Indonesia.
This means that there will no longer be a renewal process, but instead full new approval needs to be done (including testing), which also means that the certificate number and product label will change.