RED Updated, Standard for ULP Wireless Medical added

, 2018-10-05

Again the family of harmonized standards grows, per C 326/114 the following standards have been added:

  • EN 302 454 V2.2.1
    Meteorological Aids (Met Aids); Radiosondes to be used in the 1668.4 MHz to 1690 MHz frequency range; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum

  • EN 302 617 V2.3.1
    Ground-based UHF radio transmitters, receivers and transceivers for the UHF aeronautical mobile service using amplitude modulation; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum

  • EN 303 520 V1.1.1
    Short Range Devices (SRD); Ultra Low Power (ULP) wireless medical capsule endoscopy devices operating in the band 430 MHz to 440 MHz; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum