New Technical Regulations issued by the IFT (February 2025)

, 2025-02-21
On February 7 and 10, 2025, Mexico's Diario Oficial published two new regulations, which will take effect in November 2025.
Mexico flag

The 2 regulations are:

1) “Disposicion Técnica IFT-016-2024 Dispositivos de radiocomunicación de baja potencia - Dispositivos que hacen uso de bandas de frecuencias del espectro radioeléctrico dentro del intervalo de 30 MHz a 3 GHz” - (For SRD - Devices that make use of radio spectrum frequency bands within the range of 30 MHz to 3 GHz)

2) “Disposición Técnica IFT-017-2023: Sistemas de radiocomunicación que emplean el acceso inalámbrico - Redes radioeléctricas de área local - Equipos de radiocomunicación que utilizan la técnica de modulación digital y que operan en las bandas 5150 MHz-5250 MHz, 5250 MHz-5350 MHz, 5470 MHz-5600 MHz, 5650 MHz-5725 MHz, 5725 MHz-5850 MHz (*) y 5925 MHz-6425 MHz”

Download the PDF for a detailed overview of the new technical provisions IFT-016-2024 and IFT-017-2023, including approval process changes, applicable frequency bands, and exemptions.

New IFT Regulations

Technical Specifications and Approval Changes

With these new regulations, the IFT has established the technical specifications and test methods applicable to all those devices, equipment or products that can use frequency bands of the radio spectrum in the range of 30 MHz to 3 GHz, specifically the frequency bands of 30-40.02, 40.02-40.98,40.98-50, 54-72, 72-73, 76-88, 74.6-74.8, 75.2-75.4, 74-76, 88-08,143.6-144, 144-148, 148-149.9, 149.9-150.05, 156.7625-156.7875, 156.8125-156.8375, 161.9375-161.9625, 161.9875-162.0125, 174-216, 216-220, 220-225, 312 322, 399.9-400.15, 406.1-430, 430-440, 470-608,614-698, 698-806, 806-902, 902-928, 928-960, 1427-1518, 1710-1780, 1780-1850, 1850-1920, 1880-1900,1920-1930, 1930-2000, 2000-2025, 2110-2200, 2290-2300, 2300-2400, 2400-2483.5, 2483.5-2500 and 2500-2690 MHz.

The issuance of these new Technical Provisions by the IFT implies, as of November 2025, changes in the approval process for SRDs that are currently approved through “Type B” certificates, which has been a purely documentary evaluation.

• Entry into force date of both regulations (for approval purposes before the IFT):

- Disposicion Técnica IFT-016-2024 (for 30 MHz to 3 GHz SRD) => November 04, 2025

- Disposicion Técnica IFT-017-2023 (For RF devices operating in 5GHz) => November 10, 2025.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Economy needs to issue new NOMS adapting these dispositions for their compliance at customs.

• The NOM-208 and the testing parameters “IFT-008-2015” will continue to be valid and applicable except for products that operate in the frequency band from 5725 MHz to 5850 MHz with digital modulation (*), which new regulations are set forth in “Disposición Técnica IFT-017-2023”.

• With the entry into force of DT "IFT-016-2024" and "IFT-017-2023" some products will continue to be exempt from local testing (and being approved with a “Type B” certificate, with a documentary process), such as:

- products that operate at 125kHz, 13.56MHz, 24GHz, 57-64GHz, 79GHz, etc., and in general any product that does not operate within the range of any NOM or DT that requires testing

- Radars usually operate at very high frequencies and would be outside the scope of DT-016 and would continue to be approved in a documentary manner, obtaining their TYPE B certificate.