Public Commentary on RSS-139 and RSS-170

, 2022-02-17

Canadian Department of Innovation and Economic Development (ISED) has newly published two drafts on Radio Standards Specification referred to RSS-139 and RSS-170 which were lately issued in July, 2015;
Issue 3 of RSS-139 on Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) Equipment Operating in the Bands 1710-1780 MHz and 2110-2180 MHz shall be taken over with Issue 4 on Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) Equipment Operating in the Bands 1710-1780 MHz and 2110-2200 MHz.

Issue 3 of RSS-170 will be correspondingly replaced with Issue 4 on Mobile Earth Stations (MESs) and Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC) Equipment Operating in the Mobile-Satellite Service (MSS) Bands.

The above mentioned radio standards specifications could be found on the official page of Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC):

  • RSS-139: issue 4, draft 1 (2022-02-08)

  • RSS-170: issue 4, draft 1 (2022-02-08)

It is also possible to comment on the new papers and propose changes. Public commentary deadline: 2022-04-22.