RusAccreditation inspects certification institutions

, 2019-06-06
RusAccreditation, the Russian Accreditation Authority (Federal Service for Accreditation) has carries out inspections of the operations of Russian accredited Certification Bodies and testing laboratories with regard to potential violations.

In the course of January and February 2019, about 225 inspections were performed by the authority.

The inspections were conducted in order to: 

  • Eliminate non-compliance with accreditation criteria
  • Assess the implementation of previously issued regulations
  • Disclose potential outrages by accredited institutions

As a result of the inspection of certification authorities 15 accreditation body received temporary injunctions in order to fix violations. 10 accreditation body were suspended. 6 accreditations of organizations were terminated, etc.

2 accreditation bodies were closed due to the non-elimination of inconsistencies in the accreditation criteria revealed during the procedure for the confirmation of competence. 

RusAccreditation and the Russian supervision authorities continue to conduct considerable work in order to prevent the circulation of potentially hazardous products into the Russian market along with the elimination of insure participants.

Source: Decree N 300 Legistation