Regulatory News from 2016

MINCOM - the new RF authority
Due to reorganization, MINCOM (Ministerio de Comunicación) took over MIC as RF & telecom authority since 2013-02-23 and still processes radio type approval. Wireless Devices using radio spectrum require homologation and local testing is necessary (for further... »read more
New Testing Standard for Low Power Devices
Argentina's ENACOM issued Resolution No. 6038/2016 with a new testing standard for Low Power Devices, including following updates: The frequency bands have been updated; Only one radiated sample (previously 3 samples) is required if the channel can be selected... »read more
In-Country Testing Required
Russia’s State Committee on Radiofrequencies (GKRCH) issued new rules for RFC (Radio Frequency Centre) conclusions which are mandatory for obtaining import licenses for radio devices such as RFID (866-868 MHz) SRDs, automotive radars (76-77 GHz), DECT devices... »read more
SRDs Exempt From Type Approval
Kenya’s Communications Authority recently introduced a new regulation on the use of Short Range Devices (SRDs). Accordingly, SRDs operating in the permitted frequency bands are now exempt from Type Approval and may be freely imported and sold in Kenya. The new exemption... »read more
Requirements for Supplementary Test Reports
Per Resolution 755, SUBTEL has announced the following additional requirements for supplementary test reports in cases the output power exceeds the Chilean limits: In the supplementary test report for devices operating in 5 GHz, it must be clearly visible that the... »read more
Type Approval Suspended
ARPT (Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Télécommunications) recently informed that Type Approval services are on hold due to the current election of a new Director. Consequently, there will be no new Type Approval certificates issued... »read more
Authority Closed 2016-09-18 – 2016-07-29
IFT (Mexico's Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones) will be closed for business from 2016-07-18 through 2016-07-29. No Type Approval applications will be able to be submitted to IFT for this period; pending applications are expected to be delayed accordingly. »read more
New Labelling Requirements for Cell Phones
Chile’s Telecommunication Authority SUBTEL published on 2016-06-16 the Resolution 1463 about new labelling requirements for cellphone devices, applicable within 270 days, stating that:  Prior to import and sale in Chile, manufacturers will have to... »read more
700 MHz band available for 4G LTE
SUBTEL informed that the 700 MHz band is now available for LTE services. The current Type Approval requirements remain valid.  »read more
Expanding Scope of Devices subject to Type Approval
Currently, only voice-only cellular devices must obtain Type Approval. However, the CRC (the Colombian Regulator) has announced recently that Type Approval for data-only cellular devices may be implemented in the near future. It is still to be confirmed when the new... »read more
Type Approvals Resumed
ARPT (Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Post of Niger) will resume Type Approval, following a hiatus of two years. Additionally, ARPT have announced the following changes to approval procedures: Four approval request forms must be completed by the... »read more
WiFi and Bluetooth: Temporary Standard Extended
NOM-121, the Mexican standard for WiFi and Bluetooth, expired 2015-10-19. A temporary standard, NOM-EM-016-SCFI-2015, was issued by the Secretary of Economy, expiring 2016-04-21. The Secretary of Economy has now extended the validity of this temporary standard for six... »read more
57-64 GHz band open
Following Resolution 03-02-ARCOTEL-2016 from 2016-02-24, changes have been performed to the National Frequency Allocation plan. The frequency band 57-64 GHz for WLAN 802.11ad devices has been allocated and devices using this technology can now be homologated.  »read more
Voluntary approval for Low Power Devices
Since 2016-01-20, it is possible to apply for a voluntary Dispensation Note for Low Power Devices issued by Guatemala`s Superintendencia de Telecommunicaciones. This Dispensation Note states that no type approval will be necessary for a specific device prior to... »read more
Expanded Type Approval Requirements
As of 2016-02-01, the regulation No. 80-201 is in effect and the scope of type approval now additionally includes: Digital Television DVBT2 IP-PABXMedia Gateways Routers Set top box DVBT2 Switches Video Conference products Testing samples locally is not required... »read more
New Resolution for Low Power devices
ENACOM published Resolution Nº 15/2016 for Low Power Devices on 2016-02-01, which replaces previous Resolution Nº 86/2014. The main changes are: the allocation of the frequency range 24.5 to 25.80 GHz for Ultra-Wide Band for vehicular radars the limit for... »read more
New Declaration Scheme on Hold
Until June 2016 the national declaration approach cannot be used for mandatory assessment, as Belarussia is changing the focus of the same. Instead, EAC (if applicable) or voluntary certification is possible. Once the new regulations have been published, any manufacturer has to... »read more
NOM-EM-016-SCFI-2015 Adopted and Operational
Mexican test laboratories and Certification Bodies have now received full accreditation to test samples and file Type Approvals under the Mexican emergency standard NOM-EM-016-SCFI-2015, which applies to all devices operating on the frequency bands 2400-2483.5 MHz,... »read more
New Regulator for Radio devices
Due to governmental changes, ENACOM is the new Argentine Regulator formed by a mergence between the former Regulator AFTIC (Autoridad Federal de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Communicaciones) and AFSCA (Autoridad Federalde Servivios de Comunicación... »read more
Conformity to the Chilean standards required
Until 2016-01-01, SUBTEL accepted Frequency Declarations or User Manual statements showing that the device will be restricted to conform with the Chilean Regulation Resolución 755. From now on, all new Radio Type Approval applications with greater output... »read more