Regulatory News from 2018

New amendment on technical standards and labelling
On 6 December 2018, the ACMA remade the following telecommunications technical standards under section 376 of the Telecommunications Act 1997: the Telecommunications (Mobile Equipment Air Interface) Technical Standard 2018 the Telecommunications (Customer Equipment... »read more
Christmas/New Year
A busy year is coming to its end and another exciting one lies ahead... Our office will close from 2018-12-22 to 2019-01-06. Please be aware that many Authorities over the world being closing as well, whether for Christmas (25.12. or 6.01.) or for New Year, or both, the... »read more
Guide to the RE-D 2014/53/EU actualized
As of today, a new version of the Guide to the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU is available here and on the website of the European Commission. Source: European Commission »read more
First relase for SRD 4.2 - 4.8 GHz and UWB 6-8.5 GHz
Hong KongHong Kong2018-12-18
The Hong Kong's Authority HKCA has published the specification and limits for the above mentioned frequencies. Here you can also find the references to the European and FCC standards. Source: Office of the Communications Authority,... »read more
New e-platform Saber
Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia2018-12-13
The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) has officially launched a new online platform called Saber to issue conformity assessment certificates and register products before entering the Saudi market. Source:... »read more
MTCTE Launches New Online Platform in Public Trial
The Indian Ministry of Communication is organizing the next workshop tomorrow in Guwahati to introduce the MTCTE to stakeholders and give a demonstration of the new online portal, now available for trial: For more... »read more
New lead times for Type Approval Due to internal reorganization of the Authority and the responsibilities, the Type Approval procedure work flow is delayed by additional one month. Now the whole lead time takes approximate three months. Source: internal research by IB-Lenhardt AG   »read more
New frequencies allowed
New ZealandNew Zealand2018-12-03
The New Zealend’s Autority RMS Radio Spectrum Management has published on 3rd of December, that the Minister has decided to open some frequency bands for new technologies The frequencies are as follow: 184   MHz – 230   MHz 2370 MHz... »read more
New technical requirements for radars
The Argentine Authority ENACOM has published new technical requirements for the following products: Radar systems that allows to determine the location and / or speed of an object through the use of electromagnetic radiation. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Systems that... »read more
Communication equipment subject to mandatory type approval in Mongolia
As announced on 26-06-2018 Mongolia is introducing mandatory type approval, the CRC (Communication Regulatory Commission) has published the amandments which came in force for following communication equipment: Radar apparatus Radio navigational aid apparatus Radio... »read more
Frequency band 314-316 MHz now open
According to resolution RESOL-2018-507-APN-ENACOM#JGM, the Argentine authority published new standards opening the frequency band 314-316 MHz for tyre pressure monitoring systems (TPSMS) and for remote keyless systems (RKE).This information was recently released on the... »read more
New Edition for EN 60601-1-2 Medical Devices
The Fourth Edition of EN 60601-1-2:2015 cancels and replaces the Third Edition of EN 60601-1-2:2007 (which expires on 2018-12-31). It constitutes a technical revision of the latter. The most significant changes with respect to the previous edition are stronger requirements for... »read more
Brexit: progress in the negotiations
Yesterday, the European Parliament issued a press release on the progress of the Brexit negotiations. the European Parliament’s Brexit Coordinator, Guy Verhofstadt (ALDE, BE), spoke on behalf of the Brexit Steering Group: "It is encouraging to see that we are moving towards a... »read more
Key decisions for 5G
ECC's Bordeaux meeting addresses 5G spectrum needs, covering ITS, UWB, SRD, and satellite services in key decisions for future mobile communications. »read more
Mexico modifies General Rules and Criteria on Foreign Trade
Since 2018-10-24, the certificates of NOM-208-SCFI-2016 (IFT-008-2015) must be presented to the customs. However, the Certificates of Conformity and/or Compliance in accordance with the former NOM-121-SCT1-2009, NOM-EM-016-SCFI-2015 or the Technical Provision... »read more
New procedure for Type approval
The National Communication Authority (NCA) has published the new Type Approval scheme for Somalia. The process can be summarized as follows: No samples will be required NCA accept RE-D (EMC/Radio/Safety) standards Local and International manufacturers can hold... »read more
Public consultation for IoT
Senegal's Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications et des Postes (ARTP) is carrying out a public consultation on the subject "Internet of Things", the aim of which is to review the current open frequencies in Senegal as listed in Decision N°2004-005.This consultation,... »read more
New Frequency Bands for RFID Devices
The Official Gazette of the Republic of Paraguay published last 2018-09-03 the Resolution 898/2018 opening the Frequency Band 865-868MHz for RFID Devices in Paraguay.The documents clearly inform about the technical specifications to be followed in order to type approve the said... »read more
New procedure for Type approval
IB-Lenhardt AG was informed about updates in the Type Approval procedure concerning among others, sample requirements, familiy approval and billing method of the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC). Family applications: The NCC now accept applications for models... »read more
Regulatory Update
As annonced in our  Regulatory News dated 2018-07-05 concerning the Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipments (MTCTE), the Indian Department of Telecommunications started implementing TEC mandatory approval on 2018-10-01, as part of a... »read more
New implemented were the frequency bands 866-869 and 915-921 MHz for RFID
The Resolución No. 179/2018 issued last 2018-09-18 by the MINCOM (Ministerio de Comunicaciones) of Cuba implemented the following new frequency bands: Bands 866-869 MHz and 915-921 MHz for RFID Band 77.5 - 78 GHz for sensors »read more
RED Updated, Standard for ULP Wireless Medical added
Again the family of harmonized standards grows, per C 326/114 the following standards have been added: EN 302 454 V2.2.1 Meteorological Aids (Met Aids); Radiosondes to be used in the 1668.4 MHz to 1690 MHz frequency range; Harmonised Standard for access to radio... »read more
ICASA Head Office moving to Pretoria
South AfricaSouth Africa2018-10-04
After nearly 20 years in Sandton, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) is moving to Pretoria. From the 2018-10-29 on, its Head Office  will be at 350 Witch-Hazel Avenue, Eco Point Office Park, Eco Park, Centurion, Gauteng The Authority... »read more
FCC approval
United StatesUnited States2018-10-03
From November 2018, the FCC will no longer accept approvals based on the old program as the transitional period expires. It is important to mention that approved products do not have to be re-certified. The two approval procedures Declaration of Conformity (DoC) and Verification... »read more
Energy Efficiency Labels in EAEU
The draft of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) "On the requirements for energy efficiency of energy-consuming devices" was approved by the Commission on July 17, 2018 and the Commission will soon decide on the... »read more
Updates for LVD and its Guidelines
The Low Voltage Directive, short LVD, is being maintained by the European Commission and regularly updated. More important to most people are probably the LVD Guidelines which serve as manual and reference: The latest edition is from August 2018. »read more
New Technical Regulations
The Technical Regulations of the Republic of Belarus - "Telecommunication facilities. Security »TR 2018/024/BY will come into effect on 2019-01-01: They establish binding safety requirements for telecommunication facilities and contain schemes... »read more
MOC Reduced Validity From 5 To 2 Years
On 2018-08-20, Israel's Ministry of Commerce MOC announced to severly cut down the validity of Type Approvals from five (5) to two (2) years. This rule was already being enforced as early as 3 days later. Certificates with 1 year validity however remain... »read more
New Rules For Spectrum Refarming
Peru's MTC (Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones del Perú) drafted rules for spectrum refarming in Resolución Ministerial 634-2018 MTC/01.03 and opened a 30-day public consultation, ending 2018-09-14. MTC will evaluate the input for 15 days and after... »read more
Delays In Type Application Procedures
On 2018-07-01, the leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) was elected the new Mexican president (see the official announcement from the former president). On the same day, over 3.000 mayors, governors, deputies and senators... »read more
Public Consultation On Wireless Charging
New ZealandNew Zealand2018-09-06
The Radio Spectrum Management of the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has emitted a discussion paper entitled "Adding new usages to General User Radio Licence for Short Range Devices below 30 MHz".This technical consultation aims at clarifying the... »read more
ARCOTEL Released New Regulations
Ecuador's ARCOTEL (La Agencia de Regulación y Control de las Telecomunicaciones) has published Resolución ARCOTEL-2018-0661: Among General Dispositions (p.8), there are three noteworthy parts: Annex 1: Devices that do not require homologation except for... »read more
EMC Testing Now Mandatory
As we have been informed by our local partners, from today onwards EMC testing will be mandatory in Brazil. Previously, ANATEL had delayed this new requirement for EMC twice to accommodate labs with more time. »read more
Public consultation on Ivory Coast's strategy of frequency management
Ivory CoastIvory Coast2018-08-23
The Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications/TIC de Côte d'Ivoire (ARTCI) has started a public consultation which will end on 2018-10-12. Through a list of specific questions, they want to redefine the management of the Radio... »read more
Canada Updates Regulation for Vehicular Radars
Canada has released two updated Radio Standards Specifications (RSS) for vehicular radars: RSS-220 Devices Using Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Technology from 2019-07-31 onwards, UWB radars at 22-29 GHz cannot be certfified anymorebeginning 2022, such radars basically cannot be... »read more
New Safety Mark
Singapore has amended its consumer protection regulations (CPSR): Beginning 2019-04-02, all new controlled goods must comply and bear the new safety mark, whereas older devices from registered suppliers have a grace period of 3 years until 2022-04-02. Enterprise Singapore has... »read more
Jewish New Year 2018
Due to the Jewish New Year, the MoC in Israel will not work full-time during the period between 2018-09-09 and 2018-10-02. This will lead to some delays for current applications as well as new ones.   »read more
Major change of Equipment Certification at SDPPI
SDPPI just released the new regulation on telecommunication equipment certification "PM Kominfo No 7 Tahun 2018":  Before the issuing of this regulation, the flow of applications were as follows: 1) Submission of application documents and receiving testing... »read more
RRA Conformity Rules Changed
Korea SouthKorea South2018-08-09
South Korea's National Radio Research Agency RRA has released a new version 2018-13 of the Broadcast and Telecommunication Devices Conformity Assessment Rules with two major changes: Other applicants can apply for R-certificates of an approved product, if authorized by the... »read more
SUBTEL introduces higher limits for 2.4GHz and 5GHz
The chilean Authority SUBTEL published on 2018-07-30 the update N°1.517 of the Resolution N°1.985, in order to update the use of Radio Frequencies and especially the output power limits in Chile. The noteworthiest modifications are in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz (WiFi +... »read more
Summer Holidays ended in Mexico
Mexico's IFETEL was closed due to holidays from 16th to 31st, as announced in Diario Oficial de la Federación. It is therefore prudent to expect a backlog and possible resulting delays. The next major holidays are expected in winter (2018-12-17 to... »read more
ARPT turns into ARPCE
After splitting off spectrum managment from previous ARPT (Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Télécommunications) to ANF (L’Agence Nationale des Fréquences), the remaining authority has been renamed to ARPCE... »read more
British Virgin Islands has new Framework
The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of British Virgin Islands has recently released a new Spectrum Management Framework, a very interesting one as the BVI is the rare case where American and European allocations compete for spectrum. As a consequence, TRC also revised... »read more
EN 62368-1 postponed until 2020
According to its Official Journal, issue 2018/C 209/04, the European Union postpones the effective date for EN 62368-1 from 2019-06-20 (see 2017/C 298/02) to 2020-12-20. Links: »read more
Brazil postpones EMC tests again by two months
As previously reported, Anatel had already delayed the publication of new EMC test procedures which are required by act N° 14448. This delay was recently prolonged once again, as Act N° 4735 states "until the Agency has completed studies for [...] standardized... »read more
New MOC application procedure for Type Approvals
We have been recently informed that the Israeli Ministry of Communications switched the application process for Type Approval to an online procedure. According to our information, the Ministry does not accept applications by Email or Fax any more.  Before... »read more
Australia Consults the Public About Telco Standards and Labelling
Australia's ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) is conducting a public consultation on its standards of telecommunication devices and labelling thereof.Background information and draft versions of the proposedCustomer Equipment Safety StandardMobile Equipment... »read more
Mandatory testing and certification by TEC
TEC, India's Telecommunication Engineering Centre, will be responsible for the approval of any telecommunication equipment - they have released the final document Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipments (MTCTE). Beginning October 2018, such certification... »read more
Language Requirements for RED
The Radio Equipment Directive (2014/53/EU) states that "detailed information shall be provided in the instructions in a language easily understood by end-users as determined by the Member State". The EU consisting of 28 countries and having 24 official languages (and... »read more
UAE has Public Consultation on SRD and UWBThe Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) of the United Arab Emirates plans to revise its regulation on SRD and UWB. For this purpose, it organizes a public consultation which will end 2018-07-24. Its major aim is to incorporate ITU's recommendation on... »read more
Algeria reassigns regulatory competence to ANF
On 2018-05-13, the Algerian Republic published an updated Law in the JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE ALGERIENNE N°27. This Law n° 18-04 is transferring the regulatory authority power from the Autorité de Régulation (ARTP) to the Agence Nationale des Fréquences (ANF) for... »read more
Russia Tightens Border Controls
Russian customs check for a valid EAC certificate but, from 2018-07-01, they can also check back with certitifcation bodies for more data, including test reports. Therefore, it seems prudent to have the test reports available when crossing the border. »read more
Mongolia Introduces Mandatory Type Approval
Mongolia is introducing mandatory type approval beginning 2018-07-01. However, RF devices are not affected... at least not yet, as CRC (Communications Regulatory Commission) has published a draft for public proposals (mongolian only). It is unknown when and which amendments to... »read more
Cyprus implements Directive 2014/53/EU
The Republic of Cyprus has implemented the Directive 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of radio equipment and repealling Directive... »read more
ARTCI approves 77 GHz automotive Radar (INVALID)
Ivory CoastIvory Coast2018-06-18
Apparently, ARTCI now allows the type approval of automotive Radars using 76-77 GHz. Since 77 GHz offers a smaller size, a better resolution and a higher accuracy, many manufacturers use them. Additionally, unlike 24 GHz, it is globally harmonized. Please note that there... »read more
Brazilian Customs on Strike
Brazilian imports are stalling because fiscal auditors of the Federal Revenue and Customs Offices are on strike. They have been in dispute with the Brazilian government over pays and benefits since November last year. In Santos, the auditors recently voted to extend the... »read more
Qatar Released New Class License for SRD
After a public consultation in late 2017, Qatar's CRA (Communications Regulatory Authority) released its 3rd version of Class License for SRD with two major changes: Applications of radio Communications Equipment (like M2M Applications) have been added; The... »read more
South Africa Has New National Frequency Plan
South AfricaSouth Africa2018-06-05
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) published on 2018-05-28 its National Frequency Plan 2018, which can be downloaded either at ICASA or IBLAG. »read more
Costa Rica Allows Modular Approval
Costa RicaCosta Rica2018-05-31
Addendum to our news from 2018-05-22:In the new Resolution RCS-154-2018 issued by Sutel with effect as of 2018-05-03, following two major changes are noticable:Family approval is allowed,Applications for Modular certifications have to contain a datasheet of the end device in... »read more
Palestine Changes Validity To 3 YearsSince the beginning of this year, Palestine has been issuing certificates with a 3-year validity instead of only one. As a reminder, Palestine and Gaza are distinct entities and subject to different type approval procedures. »read more
Vietnam releases new circular for SRD
Vietnam's MIC (Ministry of Information and Communications) issued a new circular 04/2018/TT-BTTTT to replace circular 42/2016/TT-BTTTT, followed by the explanation 1551/BTTTT-KHCN. WiFi and Bluetooth are listed as SRD. As previously outlined, devices below 60 mW are... »read more
Singapore Introduces New Online System
Singapore's IMDA introduced a new online portal called CorpPass to centralize online interactions with government agencies. About 50 existing agency portals like TLS (Telecoms Licensing System) are being replaced by CorpPass. In case of TLS, the procedure for type approval... »read more
MTIT introduces mandatory pledge for manufacturers
Yemen's MTIT (Ministry of Communications and Information Technology) has introduced more paperwork: From now on, any manufacturer seeking type approval from MTIT must sign a pledge. Please find attached the MTIT pledge document. »read more
New Frequency Plan in Costa Rica
Costa RicaCosta Rica2018-05-22
Sutel, the Telecommunication Authority of Costa Rica, released on 2018-05-18 the new Resolution RCS-154-2018. This resolution, with retroactive effect from 2018-05-03, repeals the previous Resolution RCS-431-2010 about the Homologation Process of devices operating in „banda... »read more
Some equipment exempted from Type Approval
On 2018-05-08 a notice was published by the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia -CRAN- in the Government Gazette Number 6588, establishing a list of Telecommunications equipments newly exempted from type approval. The notice reminds that "from a... »read more
Swaziland renamed to eSwatini
Swaziland has been officially renamed eSwatini on 2018-04-19 by order of the monarch leader King Mswati III: eSwatini stands for "the land of the Swazi people" in Swazi language. IB-Lenhardt AG will internally retain Swaziland until widespread... »read more
Ramadan Coming Up
UAE's Federal Authority For Government Human Resources (FAHR) informs about the working hours during the holy month of Ramadan, lasting from 2018-05-17 to 2018-06-14: the office will be open from 9 am to 2 pm.In relation to these reduced working times, slight delays are... »read more
Unreachable authoritiesIt has not been possible to reach the Dominican authorities for the last 3 weeks (21-04), neither by email nor by phone. All messages sent to INDOTEL are currently bouncing back with following error message: "connection timed out".  INDOTEL website... »read more
ARN Adds Validity To Certificates
From early this year, the ARN (Autoridade Rguladora Nacional) is adding the expiry date on its certificates. Even though previous certificates did not specify any validity, they were also limited to 5 years - please be advised to check any certificates from Guinea-Bissau... »read more
Japan Plans to Amend WLAN Regulation
To provide better WLAN connections Japan plans to amend its regulation. The changes are scheduled for summer 2018 and focuse on the 5 GHz frequency. Effectively it will provide better compatibility with other regions, further details can be found in the draft.   »read more
RURA Resumed Type Approval
RURA (Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority) has resumed its type approval after suspending last month. Two new requirements have been added to the procedure: One sample must be provided, A certifcate from another authority from ITU region 1 must be presented. »read more
Reserved Bandwidth for GSM-R in China
Manufacturers should keep that in mind that in China 885-889 MHz is exclusively reserved for GSM-R uplink (Railway). »read more
Ukraine Confirms Current Certificates In the Transitional Period
As of 2018-04-01, the Technical Regulation of Radio Equipment came into force, which was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 24, 2017 No. 355. Clause 3 of this Resolution, On Approval of the Technical Regulation of Radio Equipment,... »read more
FCC updates guidelines for labeling
United StatesUnited States2018-04-26
The OET has updated its handy guideline for labeling, »read more
Colombia Extends Public Consultation For Free Spectrum Until May 11th
Colombia's ANO (Agencia Nacional del Espectro) has announced last week to conduct a public consultation on the use of free spectrum. Originally it was to last only for a week but fortunately the authority has decided to extend the deadline until 2018-05-11. »read more
Increased administrative costs in South Africa
South AfricaSouth Africa2018-04-20
Beginning 2018-04-01, the ICASA (Independent Communications Authority of South Africa) has increased its administrative fees for Type Approval (Government Gazette dated 2018-04-03). »read more
Brazil Postpones New Act 14448 By 3 Months
Brazilian's ANATEL had drafted new rules in ATO 14448 but has now postponed those by a new act: ANATEL ATO n°2311. Thus, the deadline of ATO 14448 is extended from its original date 2018-04-02 by up to 3 months until ANATEL publishes new test rules.   »read more
Indonesia is planning new WLAN Regulation
Indonesia's SDPPI is drafting new regulations for WLAN, including a much broader use of 5 GHz. After a public consultation in January 2018 the new allocation stipulated is: 2400 – 2483,5 MHz 5150 – 5250 MHz 5250 – 5350 MHz 5470 – 5725 MHz 5725... »read more
Laos New Year
The Laos Authorities will be closed from 2018-04-14 to 2018-04-16 for the New Year (Songkran). Although New Year is officially only a three day public holiday in Laos, the festivities (which includes spilling buckets of water on passersby) usually last... »read more
National Holiday
From 2018-04-04 until 2018-04-06 there are national holidays in Taiwan. Type approval certification delays might occur. »read more
Happy Easter 2018!
In many christian countries the authorities will remain closed during the Easter Holidays: In Latin America as well as in Africa or even in the Philippines. Same goes for IB-lenhardt, our team will be back in office on Tuesday 2018-04-03 and wishes a Happy Easter! »read more
ANATEL requires EMC testing
During the re-organisation of its approval process for radiocommunication devices, the ANATEL requires EMC testing. This follows the new ANATEL regulation ATO 14448, which makes EMC testing mandatory, according to ANATEL ATO 952 for restricted radiocommunication... »read more
Prohibited equipment
On 2018-03-14, the INCM (National Institute of Communication of Mozambique) published a letter informing the manufacturers, importers and users of electrocommunication and telecommunication equipment that the import, use and commercialization of the following devices... »read more
New regulation and application form available online
The Type Approval Technical Standards Regulations released on 2017-12-31 by the PTA (Pakistan Communication Authority) is now available online, as well as the new form for a "Certificate of Compliance to technical standards". »read more
Iran could be on track to EAC
There are still rumours about Iran joining Eurasian Customs Union (EACU) but nothing substantial can be reported. It remains to be seen when such a treaty will manifest and what it would mean for type approval. »read more
No Type Approval required any more
New CaledoniaNew Caledonia2018-02-26
The authority in New Caledonia, the ANFR (Agence Nationale des Fréquences - National Agency of Frequencies) has informed that it does not accept any Type Approval applications nor deliver any letter of information any more, since the latter is not compulsory.... »read more
INTI laboratory on strike
The Argentinian National Institute for Technology Industrial is on strike since the beginning of February due to the declared collective redundancies. This affects the homologation process of radio devices as no radiated test can currently be carried out. A truce... »read more
ICTA releases 2 telecommunication directives
In Mauritius ICTA has introduced two new directives. Both directives easen the import mainly of smartphones but the second effectively nullifies the need for type approval of BT and WiFi devices: 6.9 No Type Approval from the Authority is required for the... »read more