Regulatory News from 2019

Use of the 5.850-5.925 GHz Band - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
United StatesUnited States2019-12-19
According Fact-Sheet ET Docket No 19-138The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) wants to release more frequencies for WLAN (5.850-5.925GHz) precisely for V2x Use. Background: „For the past two decades, the 5.9 GHz band (5.850-5.925 GHz) has been reserved for use by... »read more
New Regulation for Low Power Devices
The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) published on 15th of November 2019 its Final Determination on the Proposed Revisions to Final Determinations Class Licences, Exemptions, and Types of Fees (ECS 24/2009) and Guidelines for the Type Approval... »read more
ICASA closed days
South AfricaSouth Africa2019-12-12
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa, ICASA, will be closed due holidays from 13th of December 2019 to  2nd of January 2020. »read more
Final Draft for ECE Type Approval Regulations 2019
Sierra LeoneSierra Leone2019-12-10
On October 2019 The National Telecommunicationss Comminssions (NATCOM) published the final draft for "ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT TYPE APPROVAL REGULATIONS 2019" All electronic communications equipment (ECE) requires a type approval and should be comply to one... »read more
New Regulation No. 197
On December 3rd of 2019, SDPPI released a new policy KEPDIRJEN SDPPI NOMOR 197 TAHUN 2019 to revise the previous KEPDIRJEN SDPPI NOMOR 183 TAHUN 2019, published on 14th of November 2019. The revision was necessary because, after internal evaluation by authority (SDPPI), more... »read more
New regulator of telecommunications devices
The Ethiopian Communications Authority (ECA) is the regulatory authority for Communications Services in Ethiopia. Its scope of regulation covers both Telecommunications Services and Postal Services within Ethiopia. The ECA was established recently by the Communications Services... »read more
Since May 2019 delays in type approval
Background for the delays in the type approval process is the dissolution of the National Frequency Management Unit (NFMA) and taking on its tasks and responsibilities by the National Telecommunications Agency (NATA). Source: Internal research »read more
Standard and Notification for 2.4 GHz/5 GHz
NBTC Thailand has published standards for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radios and a notice on the use of 5 GHz short-range radios. »read more
EMC update - QCVN 86:2019/BTTTT
MIC - The Ministry of Information and Communications of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam - has issued Circular No. 10/2019/TT-BTTTT as of 04.10.2019 so as to issue a National technical regulation with respect to Electromagnetic Compatibility for mobile... »read more
Political situation
Chilean authority SUBTEL has informed IB-Lenhardt of possible delays in the type approval process due to the current national political situation. Thank you for your understanding.  »read more
New Regulation N° 183
The Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia replaced the regulation N° 138 Tahun 2019 (which has expired on 15. October 2019) The main amendment is the reduction of the listed accredited labs. The new Regulation Nomor 183 Tahun 2019 is... »read more
IB-Lenhardt AG Goes ITU Egypt
In order to be on the latest contemporary track, this year - IB-Lenhardt AG participates in the WRC-19 (ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2019) - the most important regulatory conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Alongside other business matters, WRC has the... »read more
NCC - new Resulotion N° 715
On 25th of October 2019, the new regulation of Conformity Assesment and approval of telecommunications products, Resulotion No. 715, was published in the Official Garette (DOU). This regulation shall come into force within 180  days from the date of its publication (April... »read more
Information Memorandum on the licensing process
South AfricaSouth Africa2019-10-31
Before the end of this year (31st of December 2019; South Africa's Authority (ICASA) will publish an Information Memorandum on the licensing process for the International Mobile Telecommunications (high demand spectrum). The Memorandum outlines their approach on the... »read more
Upcoming resolution - LABEL
In the near future - ENACOM (Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones in Argentina) will publish a new resolution for labelling.  Some significant changes are to be expected:  - Layout of the label changes > RAMATEL + Certification number will need to be... »read more
Political situation
Please be kindly informed that there might be delays with respect to a timely issuacne of type approval certificates due to the national riots and general strikes in Lebanon. Source: internal research and feedback from our local partners   »read more
New type approval procuedure in force
On 17th of October Algerian's Authority AUTORITÉ DE RÉGULATION DE LA POSTES ET DES COMMUNICATIONS ÉLÉCTRONIQUES (ARPCE) has published the new procedure for type approval under "Decision N°28/SP/PC/ARPECE/2019 du 16/10/2019". Here is... »read more
Future use of the 28 GHz band and Review of RALI FX3 38 GHz
On 25th of September, ACMA - Australian Communication and Media Authority - has published the outcome of the future use of the 28 GHz band and review of the RALI FX 3 in the 38 GHz band consultation processes. »read more
Curfews after violent protests
Ecuador’s government declared on 3rd of  October 2019 a state of emergency, which was limited to 30 days to restore public order and prevent protests with the military. In certain areas and in the city of Quito curfews are arranged, which are not only at night, but... »read more
Requirement to support 4G technology
Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia2019-10-08
Please be informed that CITC has announced an additional requirement as below with respect to 4G technology support in tracking devices and machine-to-machine communication (M2M) Further to what was clarified previously, where we have emphasized that all importers... »read more
On 17th of September 2019 the new STANDARD NOM-001-SCFI-2018 was published in the Official Gazette. The new standard regulates Electronic Devices-Security requirements and test methods and replaces NOM-001-SCFI-1993 and will enter in force on 15th of June 2020 This NOM... »read more
Public Holiday in China
The People's Republic of China (PRC) observes its anniversary on October 1st 2019   Officially the holiday is three days but there are usually extended by bridge holidays for one week.   Chinese Authorities will be closing in CW 40, some delays can be expected... »read more
Certificates: New validity periodAdvance notice: New validity period for ARPTC certificates. Up to now, certificates' validity was set to 10 years. Based on an internal research, a new regulation will become in force in near future; namely: Certificates for modules will have a... »read more
Addition to Namibia new as of 2019-09-17
CRAN - Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia has expanded the list for SRD devices which are subject to mandatory homologation. Please contact IB-Lenhardt in order to be on the safe side. We will inform you, if your device has to be type approved in Namibia based... »read more
New TA Regulation
CRAN - Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia has published an Amendment of Regulations in Respect of Type Approval and Technical Standards for Telecommunications Equipment which became effective on 11th September 2019. Source:   »read more
Decree SN° 019-2019-MTC has been released
The Peru Regulatory, Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (MTC), released the Supreme Decree SN 019-2019-MTC, which modified the Type Approval requirements for cellular terminals - June 2019. These requirements are only applicable to consumer smart phone devices.... »read more
Module name indication on certificate
SDPPI - Telecommunication Authority in Indonesia - informed that for future certificates the integrated module name must be indicated on the certificate additionally to the model name. This has not been officially announced yet. Where the application of a product... »read more
Name change at the Authority in Mozambique
The Authority INCM in Mozambique (Instituto Nacional das Comunicações de Moçambique) was renamed into ARECOM (Autoridade Reguladora das Comunicações na República de Moçambique).  This change does not apply the... »read more
Conformity Assessment Update
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China will enforce the implementation of the conformity assessment system for restricted use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment effective as of 1st November 2019. The assessment system... »read more
Amendments on RoHS
June - The Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Resolution № 557 to amend Resolution № 139 namely the “Technical Regulations on the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment” (Ukrainian RoHS).   The Resolution №... »read more
Limited Shipment
Please be informed that shipment of application documents is restricted at the moment to Venezuela due to the POLITICAL situation. Thus, there might be delays with respect to new homologations projects. »read more
Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1345
The EU Commission has issued the Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1345 of 2 August 2019 amending Decision 2006/771/EC updating harmonised technical conditions in the area of radio spectrum use for short-range devices: Main updates are: Categories of short-range devices... »read more
Electrical devices within the Customs Union
Electrical devices shall comply with technical requirements within the Customs Union in order to be launched on the market.  Since EAEU technical regulations include mandatory requirements for safety aspects, the requirements of the EAEU technical regulations can be met by... »read more
IB-Lenhardt AG visits Jordan
As part of IBLAG strategical approach of the enhancement relationship and evolvement with authorities, IBLAG CQO visited TRC Jordan in Amman and had 2 days meetings with Director of Technical department and his team. The visit came upon an initiative from IBLAG and an invitation... »read more
Festival of the Sacrifice Holidays
Due to Festival of the Sacrifice  (Eid al-Adha) in most Islamic countries authorities/ ministries are closed in cw 33/2019. Thus, delays in type approval certification procedures might occur. »read more
ICASA begins a process to review Annexure B
South AfricaSouth Africa2019-08-06
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) controls, plans, administers and manages the use and licensing of the radio frequency spectrum in South Africa. In doing so, ICASA must, among others, comply with applicable standards and requirements of the... »read more
ANATEL suspend certification for earth station antennas
On 26 th of July 2019 Brazil’s Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL) published Act 4478 (2019) revoking the Act 939 (2018). This new Act rearranges the technical requirements for conformity assessment for earth station antennas. This type of... »read more
Reminder: TR 2018/024/BY
Please be reminded that devices have to be approved in acc. with the TR/2018/024/BY - please see our news as of 2019/02/11. The main difference of TR/2018/024/BY from previous requirements (Resolution 849/2016) is mandatory marking (TR BY) and mandatory in-country... »read more
Armenian Market Access
Armenia is a member of the EAEU (currently a total of 5 countries - Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan), nevertheless, apart from the EAEU technical regulations of the Customs Union there is a NATIONAL conformity assessment procedure which is based on the Decree... »read more
Regulatory Authority changed name
Please be informed that, the official name and the logo of the former Syrian Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (SYTRA) have changed. The present name is Syrian Telecommunications & Post Regulatory Authority (SY-TPRA ) The new name was communicated to the... »read more
SUBTEL published the Resolution 855
SUBTEL published the Resolution 855 which revised the Resolution No.1985/2017 on Short-Range Devices. Please also see out news as of 2019/06/04. 1. Portable transceivers: frequencies were excluded, some were added: - 26.960 to 27.410 kHz - 40.66 to 40.70 MHz -... »read more
IFT closed days
Mexico's Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) will be closed for business from 2019-07-15 through 2019-07-26. No Type Approval applications will be able to be submitted to IFT for this period;  pending applications are expected to be delayed... »read more
IB-Lenhardt AG goes to Cuba
In July, IBL travelled to Cuba. In Havana, the Capital of Cuba, our specialist for Latin American countries from IBL's type approval team visited the authority Ministerio de Comunicaciones de Cuba (MINCOM) which is responsible for the issuance of the type... »read more
PNG publishes a noticeNICTA *The National Information & Communications Technology Authority* of Papua New Guinea made an announcement with respect to the type approval of ICT equipment.  It targets importers, distributors, and vendors of telecommunication, radio communication, and... »read more
Anatel published public consultations
Please be informed that ANATEL has published the following Public Consultations: ·         Public Consultation #27/2019: This public consultation contains a proposal to update the technical requirements applicable to product... »read more
New Type Approval Regime incl. new LabelingTRA (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority) of UAE has published a *New Type Approval Regime* stating the main following amendments:  Three Conformity Compliance forms have been established:  First level: Declaration of Conformity Second Level:... »read more
Update - List of exempted radio devices
The authority in Macau has expanded the list of radio devices which are exempted from type approval. Now, UWB devices, operating in the frequency bands 4.2-4.8 GHz and 6.8-8.5 GHz (power limited to max. -41.3 dBm/MHz)* are listed. *Average Power Spectral... »read more
Internet access blocked
Please be informed that due to political issues, internet access is blocked all over Ethiopia at the moment. Thus, please keep in mind that there will be delays with respect to running type approval applications in Ethiopia.  »read more
OFCA assigned 24-28 GHz bands
Hong KongHong Kong2019-06-25
Hong Kong's Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) of Hong Kong has assigned 24-28 GHz bands to mobile operators. »read more
ANATEL published new Acts 3481 / 3482 / 3448
We would like to inform you, that Brazil's Authority ANATEL published three new Acts. Here is the main information: Act 3481: Technical requirements and test procedures for the assessment of the compliance of chargers used with mobile phone. This act... »read more
VHF/UHF Technical Standards
Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) issued two VHF/UHF Technical Standards which became effective on April 3rd, 2019:  NBTC TS 1024-2561 for Radiocommunication Equipment Used in Land Mobile Service in the VHF/UHF Frequency... »read more
Amendment to N° 355 as of 31.05.2019
In accordance with the 3rd paragraph of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 24.05.2017 N° 355 and its implementation until 31.12.2019, the technical regulations of radio equipment (TE RE) - approved by resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine... »read more
MIC updates several regulations
MIC - Vietnam Ministry of Information and Communications published regulation updates that become effective from July 1, 2019: QCVN 117:2018/BTTTT: National technical regulation on Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) User Equipment (UE) - Radio... »read more
RusAccreditation inspects certification institutions
RusAccreditation, the Russian Accreditation Authority (Federal Service for Accreditation) has carries out inspections of the operations of Russian accredited Certification Bodies and testing laboratories with regard to potential violations. In the course of January and February... »read more
Update Exenta 1985 - bands open
Subtel in Chile has released an update to Exenta 1985 in the Diario Oficial de la Republica de Chile.  The main changes are summarized below: The EIRP limit for the 5150-5250 MHz bands is now 250 mW EIRP for general use Test reports leveraged for the Subtel type approval... »read more
WLAN device other than 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz
SDPPI eases rules for devices in non-2.4 GHz/5.8 GHz bands. »read more
New Marking Requirements
Following the new EMC and LVD regulations in Morocco, the conformity mark has become mandatory. The Label shall be affixed visibly, legibly and indelibly to the apparatus or to its data plate. Where that is not possible or not warranted, it shall be affixed to the packaging and... »read more
Draft technical regulation on electromagnetic compatibility
The new technical regulation is based on ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.1.0 (2016-11). This draft National Technical Regulation specifies technical requirements on EMC for User Equipment (UEs) and ancillary equipment operated on mobile networks. This draft national technical regulation... »read more
New NOM requirements - UPDATE of certificates necessary
Based on to the publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) by the Ministry of Economy (SE) October 23, 2018 and the respective extension as of February 28, 2019 (which modifies the Rules and General Criteria in matters of Foreign Trade) the following is... »read more
77 GHz - Declaration of Conformity
Cuba's Ministerio de la Informática y las Comunicaciones 'MINCOM' issues Declarations of Conformity for 77 GHz devices based on technical documentation evaluations. Local tests are not required for the above stated devices. The Declaration of Conformity has a... »read more
SDPPI - Recognition of international test reports
SDPPI published a new announcement namely „KEPDIRJEN POSTEL No. 138 Year 2019“ with respect to International Test Laboratory Recognition for Cellular Phones, Handheld Computer and Tablet Computers. The announcement states that SDPPI has recognized international... »read more
NBTC - amendments in TA process for cellular devices
Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) announced amendments in the type approval process for cellular devices. The decision is based on the technical standard NBTC TS 1027-2560 for International Mobile Telecommunications... »read more
Labelling - Renewal
According to the Telecommunication Authority in Paraguay 'CONATEL', the following labelling rules shall be applied: - Devices which have been imported to Paraguay prior to the renewal process, may remain the initial homologation number on the label - Devices which have... »read more
CRA issues a public consultation for Wireless Home Area Networks
The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) launched a public consultation for the proposed Class License for Wireless Home Area Networks (WHANs). »read more
Russian national holidays
Please be informed that Russian type approvals might be delayed in May due to the national holidays. Authorities will be closed from 1st - 6th of May and then from 9th to 12th May.     »read more
Deadline EXTENDED until 31.12.2019
Ukraine has introduced amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 24, 2017 No. 355 "On Approval of the Technical Regulation of Radio Equipment". Issued decree states that the DEADLINE for type approvals pursuant to the... »read more
New Requirements for Wireless Device Testing Laboratories
Since 15th of March 2019 the Innovation, Science and Economic Development of Canada (ISED) has published the "Decision on New Requirements for Wirelees Device Testing Laboratories".The increasing complexity of the equipment and the intricacies of the regulatory requirements... »read more
Technical requirements of restricted radio communication devices
On March 1st 2019, Brazil’s Regulatory Authority (ANATEL) published Act No. 1379. An update to the Technical Requirements for Conformity Assessment of Restricted Radiocommunication Equipment, which follows the same limits of FCC. There were some changes on items 6.2.5,... »read more
New standard specifications
The Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) has published new radio standards specification (RSS-130 Issue 2 replacing Issue 1) for equipment operating in the frequency bands 617-652 MHz, 663-698 MHZ, 689-756 MHz and 777-787 MHz. The main changes are... »read more
Changing Process to Electronic Certification of Conformity
Since 11th of February the Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM QAS) has introduced the electronic Certificate of Conformity (eCOC). Until 11th August a transitional period will be granted to the applicants to have the option to receive the hard copy version or... »read more
Self-Declaration for some wireless equipment
India's WPC eases ETA approval for wireless modules. »read more
New Type Approval Regulation
The Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) of Vanuatu has recently published the final regulation for importation, sale and use of radio and telecommunication equipment. “…The new regulation implies a verification of the equipment... »read more
Manufacturer details in Ukrainian language
Please be informed that according to the Ukrainian Technical Regulation (UA RED) the paragraph 25 states the following:  Manufacturers must indicate their company's name, registered trade name or registered trademark and postal address at which they can be... »read more
New validity time for type approval certificates
According to decree 66/2018 as of 9th November 2019 under article 20, *Authority Instituto Nacional das Comunicações de Moçambique* (INCM) has released, that new approvals will have a validity period of 8 years. Under article 21 was determined that... »read more
Update TEC Logo
The Indian Authority (Telecommunication Engineering Center) has published on their website new labeling requirements.According to the labelling Guidelines:“The height of TEC logo shell be ¼ of the size of the brand name, subject to a minimum height and of 12mmThe TEC logo can... »read more
National Holidays - Nowruz
The public holidays in Iran for Nowruz last for four days - starting on 21st March 2019; but the festival covers two weeks during which time schools & most authorities are closed! There are many countries along the Silk Roads, including Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, India,... »read more
Press release from ARPCE
Congo RepublicCongo Republic2019-02-28
We would like to inform you that the Regulator of the Republic of Congo has decided that the Communications terminal equipment electronics will not return to Congo without having been approved by the validation of the ARPCE. "As part of the application of the regulations on... »read more
New regulation on License-free frequency bands
On 12th of February the new circular 18/2018/TT-BTTTT as amendment and supplement to circular 46/2016/TTBTTTT came into force The most important news for our customer is, that the 866- 868 MHz license free band allocated for RFID is removed but products which has been... »read more
Homologation 24 GHz & 77 GHz
The Certification Body in Belarus cannot issue a 'Declaration of Conformity' pursuant to the Radio/Telecom Technical Regulation TR 2018/024/BY "Technical Regulation of the Republic of Belarus" for 24 Ghz & 77 GHz radar sensors, since either there is no... »read more
Homologation applications via web portal VUCEThe Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (INDOTEL) informs that as of March 4, 2019, the certifications for Telecommunications Equipment Homologation will be processed only via the Single Window of Foreign Trade (VUCE). This will reduce paperwork, time, and paperwork, while... »read more
The Yemen authority will resume normal work next week
According to internal research the MITIT will accept new requests again. The authority also confirmed to reprint certificates with a new issue date, which were requested on December 2018 The lead time will be 8 weeks »read more
New ENACOM Resolution for 2G/3G/4G Terminals and Radiobases
The ENTE NACIONAL DE COMUNICACIONES (ENACOM) has published yesterday changes for Terminals and Radiobases   Resolution 793/2019 for (2G/3G/4G Terminals): ENACOM will continue accepting foreign certificates and reports until two accredited laboratories accredited by... »read more
Public Consultation
Brazil’s Authority ANATEL has published the public consultation 001/2019 with the aim of adapting test requirements for RFID / NFC devices operating with 13 MHz and for devices with periodic operation. Proposals are welcome and the goal  is to evaluate the... »read more
Updated Radio/Telecom requirements
Belarus has finally enforced its updated Radio/Telecom requirements as of 01/01/2019 with the ‚new’ Radio/Telecom Technical Regulation TR 2018/024/BY  "Technical Regulation of the Republic of Belarus: Telecommunication Facilities: Safety. TR... »read more
Delay of New Type Approval Applications
At the moment new type approval applications are not available till the Ministry of Telecom and Technology (MTIT) till the new regulations are published.   According to internal research applications which are already submitted will be processed and the certificate will be... »read more
New Circular 18/2018/TT-BTTT
The vietnam Authority (Ministry of Inofmation and Cummunication - MIC) has recently  released the Circular 15/2018/TT-BTTTT and came in force on 01/01/2019 The main changes are: 1. MIC officially confirms that ADoC for imported product is now aborted. ADoC can be... »read more
New specification for radiated immunity tests
According Act. 6506/2018 from Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL) radio devices (WiFi  with multiple operating modes not each mode is subject for testing, but rather the most complex modulation. Here one example: Radio device WiFi... »read more
New Regulation and exempted equipment
The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has notified new regulations. All details related to equipment that is exempted and the one that requires type approval is listed within the regulations and all are required to abide by the notified regulations and procedures. The... »read more
Proposal to update LIPD Class Licence
The ACMA is currently consulting on proposed updates to the Radiocommunications (Low Interference Potential Devices) Class Licence 2015. The LIPD Class Licence operates in concert with the ACMA’s  Radiocommunications (Short Range Devices) Standard... »read more
New Regulation Issuance
The SDPPI has recently issued a new regulation (16th Year 2018) which regulates the Operational Provision of Telecommunication Tools and Equipment Certification and replaces the Regulation Number 18 Year or 2014.   The most important changes concern the following... »read more
New Location Head Office
Due to moving to a new location the National Service for Radio Frequency Management has only limited acces in CW 3. Source: Email from Authority from 11/01/2019   »read more
New online portal
As of 2019-01-02, all inquiries have to be sent to the ARCEP (Autorité de Régulation des Communications et des Postes) through the latter's new e-services platform. The type approval procedure remains unchanged and local representatives are still... »read more
Federal Shutdown
United StatesUnited States2019-01-08
As a consequence of lhe lapse in funding in the USA, the operations of the Federal Communications Commission have been suspended until further notice. Currently, the FCC filing page is not available and no grants can be emitted. We'll inform you as soon as the... »read more
New Technical Specifications for SRDs
Reminder: As of 2018-01-01, all equipments operating in the frequency band 698 - 806 MHz will be prohibited for sale according to the new procedures and requirements for the registration of telecommunication equipment released last 2018-09-02. Since 2018-09-14, only... »read more