Regulatory News from 2015

865-868 MHz Band not subject to Type Approval
CONATEL in Paraguay is no longer approving 865-868 MHz and 915-928 MHz spread spectrum devices due to interference problems. The second frequency band might be re-opened in the future. Devices operating in these bands and already homologated may continue to operate until the... »read more
New Requirement for 2G/3G/4G devices
Since November 2015, the Ecuadorian Regulator ARCOTEL release only homologation certificates if devices with 2G/3G function operate at least in 850 MHz and 1900 MHz and devices with 4G in at least LTE bands 2 and 4. »read more
Delicensing of Frequency Bands
Due to the delicensing of the following frequency bands (published on 2015-09-16 by India’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology), it is now possible to Type Approve equipment operating in these frequency bands. A licence is not required... »read more
Type Approval from now on mandatoryINDOTEL, the Dominican Republic Regulator, informed that National Type Approval of Radio devices is now mandatory and not covered by FCC approval. »read more
New Type Approval Requirements
Tonga's MIC (Ministry of Information & Communications) has begun to enforce new Type Approval rules:  Approval for Radio equipment is mandatory.  Both FCC and CE test reports are admissible.   »read more
Type Approval Procedure into force again
After a four months suspension, ARN-TIC, Guinea Bissau`s Type Approval agency, is now receiving requests and issuing Type Approval certificates. The Type Approval procedure remains unchanged. »read more
New Type Approval Requirements
Ghana's National Communication Authority (NCA) revised its guidelines in May 2015 as follows:A local company is now required for all type approval applications if the manufacturer does not have a branch in Ghana.Regarding the publication of the type approved devices on NCA... »read more
No more family approval in Costa Rica
Costa RicaCosta Rica2015-04-17
SUTEL no longer accepts family approval: from now on, each model with a different color, hardware or software will require a separate Type Approval certificate.  »read more
Implementation of Online Self Labelling Program
On 2015-02-24 a Self-Labelling Programme (SLP) was launched by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and its appointed Certifying Agency, SIRIM. This will replace the conventional labeling program from 2015-06-15 onwards. The SLP certification mark... »read more
New Type Approval Requirements
Namibia's CRAN published new rules for Type Approval: applicable to foreign manufacturers as well RTTE test reports are required no sample needed but can still be requested Validity is 3 years These come into force on 2015-08-03 and apply to existing devices as well. »read more
SUPERTEL changed name to ARCOTEL
ARCOTEL (Agencia de Regulación y Control de las Telecommunicaciones) is now replacing SUPERTEL (Supertendencia de Telecomunicaciones) as the Ecuadorian Regulatory Authority. The Type Approval remains unaffected and still no specific label is required. During the... »read more
New label requirements in Argentina
In the Resolution Nº 82/2015 released on 2015-01-28, the Argentine Communications Authority (CNC) inform about the format, size, colors and display of the CNC label and homologation number. This resolution will be in force after 2015-05-04 and affects new... »read more
Samples Now Required for Type ApprovalFrom 2015-01-01 on, Congo's Agence de Régulation des Postes et des Communications Electroniques (ARPCE) requires one sample for each Type Approval application. A waiver might be requested in case there is size constraint/restriction in transporting the... »read more
Samples Now Mandatory for Type Approval
So far Nigeria's NCC had not requested samples but beginning 2015-01-01 samples will be mandatory cell phones, tablets and notebooks. For other products Nigeria's NCC reserves the right to request samples. »read more